At Humana Health Care, our doors are open to all patients with almost any illness or recovery time, provided that they do not require acute care. Should a patient become acute during their stay at the facility, they will be transferred to an acute hospital for the required care. If you have a patient you would like to refer to us please contact our case manager on 031-492 7005 for more information.
We are affiliated with the majority of Medical Aid’s in the country and can therefore accept both Medical Aid as well as cash patients. Cash rates are available upon request.
We value all our referring medical specialists and understand the crucial role they play in the long-term care and rehabilitation of their patients. We aim to work side by side with these specialists to ensure the well-being and long-term health of their patients.
Humana Health Care houses state-of-the-art equipment as well as a highly specialised in-house nursing staff. Our main focus will always be the health and care of our patients and we will continually strive to offer them the best in health care
Referral Criteria
What You Need to Refer a Patient to Humana Health Care:
Letters of motivation (LOM)
- A motivation letter is required to get Medical Aid authorisation for the stay and is the responsibility of the admitted Doctor. It must contain information on why the patient requires sub-acute care and how the patient will benefit from it. The LOM should be sent to our case manager who will then start the authorizing process, which usually takes 3-4 days. If it’s a cash paying patient, this LOM is not required.
Before admissions, the following is required:
- MRSA & CRE screen test, with results (Please note without these results we cannot accept a patient in to the facility)
**Please note additional tests may be required. Please always consult with the case manager on duty before performing at tests**
Admission Requirements
- Updated script from ALL treating Doctors at the acute facility
- FIDSA form, together with the MRSA & CRE results
- Chronic medication in the form of a script or actual medication
- Copy of Medical Aid card (If charging Medical AId)
- Patients ID
- Medical Aid main member ID
If a patient is being transferred from another hospital, generally the transfer will be arranged between the acute hospital and our facility.
If you are looking to be admitted without the help of a specialist, or without being at an acute facility, please contact our case manager directly on 031-4927005, to get more information and get the process started